Fierce fight for 4G spectrum in Thailand. The auction was full day longer than expected.

by lew
12 November 2015 - 13:14

Thailand's second telecommunication spectrum auction proves a spectrum auction could become fierce. Two 1800MHz spectrum licenses, allocated for 4G service, had been in auction for longer than 30 hours straight since the morning of 11th November without a break during the night. The executives from multi-billion baht companies have to stay in the auction rooms without any outside communication. Total bidding time is 28 hours.

The winners of the auction are AIS and True, the largest and the third largest mobile operators.

The auction was expected to end within the day with total value at 30 to 40 billions baht. But by the scheduled end time at 9PM yesterday, 3 companies were still bidding for 2 slots of 15MHz spectrum. NTBC, the frequency regulator, decided to continue the auction during the night until the morning of 12th November. True Corporation won the first slot by the price of 39.79 billion baht. AISe won the second slot at 40.98 billion baht. The total auction value exceeded 80 billions baht (2.2 billion USD). The other two bidding companies are Telenor's DTAC and Jasmine Group. Jasmine has not been in mobile business before but comes from strong based of 3BB broadband service.

The 1800MHz spectrum is defined as LTE band 3, it is recommended as suitable band for global roaming. It is widely deployed in most continents except the North America which prefers 700MHz and 1700MHz spectrum instead.

First communication spectrum auction in Thailand was held in 2012 for 2100MHz 3G service but it was branded as the mark of inefficiency of NBTC ever since. The spectrum was allocated as 3 slots, perfectly suited for 3 major operators. There was just one spectrum that was bid above the initial price.

This next spectrum auction is expected to be held in December for the 900MHz.

Source - @NBTCRights

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